At ARROWES, we can help you to compare different attenuator options in the market and run you through the pros and cons, to arrive at a design and price which suits your budget, including procuring your cab chassis of choice and financing if required.
With the expertise ARROWES has developed over the years, we can do much more than just the standard TMA builds. ARROWES’ custom TMA builds complement industry-proven standard builds with options and accessory add-ons of your choice. We offer customisability from standard DVRs and cameras to thermal imaging cameras for night-time use, or automatic downloading of your recording once the equipment is within proximity of your server network so that important recordings are not lost.
Technology can close many gaps. Talk to us about your TMA needs and application challenges.
Complementing any Standard TMA build ARROWES can provide additional customizations:
Become part of the Arrowes community and let us provide you with further details. Our team will be available to discuss your project needs and recommend best practice solutions and brands.